A Sandhill Crane chick emerges from its nest to follow its parents across a grassy marsh. A brood of newborn Anhingas nesting in a bushy mangrove awaken to breakfast. A fledgling Great Blue Heron perches above a wetland pond contemplating its first flight.
This month in Palm Beach Counties’ many parks and nature preserves visitors can witness the renewal of life that occurs each spring. At Wakodohatchee Wetlands Preserve in Delray Beach, dozens of nests are within easy view of camera. A boardwalk leads the way.

Those who can peddle a bicycle several miles are rewarded in Jupiter’s Riverbend Park with encounters with Sandhill Cranes, Osprey and numerous other waterbirds some mating, some nesting, and some taking their first steps.

The best time to see and photograph wildlife is from sunrise to mid-morning. Use a camera with a 200mm or longer telephoto lens to capture dramatic images that you will want to print for your home gallery or share online.
Bob Gibson offers one half day photography workshops in Palm Beach County focusing on wildlife and waterscapes priced from $399. For information, e-mail Bob at rjg@rjgibson.com